Saturday, April 14, 2007

STEM drive-by, 13/04/07...
no sense of Place/Time=missed all of ian birse and laura kavanugh's performance. chatted with daniel barrow about 'winnipeg babysitter' and winnipeg's famous pollocks. shawn of regina and andre of saskatoon engaged in battle-of-bridges banter: saskatoon has parisian style but regina has the 'longest bridge spanning the smallest body of water'. no gloves were thrown down. settled in gentlemanly fashion. invited to push dervish diva kelleY boleN several times. did so only once but with feeling during aDemod performance (groovy three way featuring kelleY's digitally woven stop animation projections; aAron's celluloid stream and shawn pinchbeck's virtually live acousmatic soundscape). shared violet candies with jeff noel. discussed violet as a flavour--proposed 'french purple' for lack of more nuanced connection. laura proposed PARTY action. white grapes/red grapes/all good grapes. Jfry craig waxed poetic from the couch about dental anesthetic experiments involving static and the art house benefits of jagermeister and tequila. something about the box of shoes....

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